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      An American college student was suddenly afflicted with a rare illness, the complications of which could be deadly. So rare was his affliction that his only recourse was to seek treatment in a foreign land.

     While there, he was abducted by an ultra militant terrorist organization. Their demands for his freedom were impossible for the host country to meet. What followed was a tension filled standoff between the kidnappers and those working for his release.

     Exacerbating the urgency of his plight was the reality that he had only a few days in which he had to resume his treatment or else face dire medical consequences. As the time remaining before he had to undergo his treatment dwindled to few hours, much of the world was focused on the drama and suspense of his heart wrenching saga.

     Would he be freed from his confinement or would he suffer a life threatening medical disaster.



                      EXCERPT FROM "HIGHWAY TO EVIL"



     It was early morning on the eighth of March. After a fitful night during which he got very little sleep, Dov laid on his cot with the pit of his stomach feeling like he was punched by a two by four.

     Eventually one of his guards motioned that he should get out of bed, go to the toilet, brush his teeth, and take a shower - under guard.

     I can't even talk if I wanted to, he thought. Is something going to happen today? Like being released? I have to be in the hospital. If nothing happens, is this the begining of the end for me? If I only knew what's happening to me and in the outside world. The "princess of evil" wasn't here all day yesterday. At least she speaks English - maybe I could get something out of her. Nah - no way - she wouldn't tell me anything. The bitch!

     When Dov emerged from the bathroom, he noticed a fresh polo shirt, clean khakis, and new sneakers laid out for him.

     That's so thoughtful of them - either I'll be freed or they want me to look spiffy for my funeral.

     Shortly after Dov was dressed, his breakfast tray was brought in. On a large platter was a virtual buffet consisting of yogurt, eggs, pita, couscous, dates and strong Turkish coffee.

     Is this my last meal? If so, shouldn't I be given a choice? Why are they being so good to me? Are they playing mind games with me?

     For fear of being disappointed, Dov tried not to think that his captors may be preparing to free him.

     However, any thoughts of freedom dissipated when two other members of the cell entered Dov's room and roughly blindfolded him, cuffed his wrists, and escorted him outside to a waiting car. As on previous trips during his captivity, nothing was said to Dov in the vehicle, and the only conversation he was able to overhear was in Arabic.

     Also, as on earlier occasions, Dov was completely unable to make out where he was and to where he was headed. The vehicle made numerous turns while sometimes speeding up and other times slowing down. Sometimes they were on relatively smooth paved roads and other times on rough bumpy surfaces.

     Eventually, the car came to a stop, and Dov's blindfold and handcuffs were removed. He looked around at what appeared to be not much more than empty dessert. The landscape looked similar to where he was first abducted. He was forced to remain seated in the car with two rifles pointed at him. He noticed other sentries nearby - some of whom were engaged in animated discussion among themselves and on cell phones.

     It was getting very hot in the car, and Dov had to endure the scent of the overripe guards on either side of him......














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